
Dr Priyanka Yaduvanshi

Dr Priyanka Yaduvanshi is one among the few Doctors globally practising Classical Homoeopathy in its true essence. A compassionate physician, presently in India and travels extensively across the country serving different segments of the society through free Homeopathic Camps and Clinic. She believes in the power of Classical Homoeopathy and combines it with her knowledge of Vedic Scriptures and Ayurveda to restore and solve complex Chronic illnesses. In addition to being a qualified doctor, she is an Astrologer and Palmist. People seek her advise for marriage, a new venture, business, Vastu and family matters. A doctor with sincere empathy who wants to propagate Homoeopathy in its purest form. Very dear to everyone because of her Caring and Loving aura.


- Fellow Of British Institute Of Homoeopathy (London)

- MD in Homoeopathy from Bombay University

- DHM from British College of Homoeopathy, London.

- BHMS from Calcutta University

Years Of Experience

- 20 + years of serving patients with sincerity & dedication

- Accurate diagnosis and holistic approach to treatment

- Extensive practise in London, Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham

I am your Doctor - A friend for Life

I have been practising Homoeopathy since the last 20 years and the experience of its wonder play and the efficacy of this infallible science brings deep satisfaction to me when I hear the happy exposure to Homoeopathic treatment from my patients. I am also thankful to my teachers for sharing their valuable knowledge and experience with me which they gained practising their entire life. Also Homoeopathic opinion is a must when any disease does not respond to other modalities of treatments. In ICU cases, accidents and emergencies where the doctors are losing hope you must consult an expert Homoeopath.

Our Services

We Provide Following Clinical Services

The sole aim of my practice is to create awareness about Homoeopathy - As it is, not as I speculate it to be. A beautiful gentle science etched with the sole aim to alleviate the suffering humanity. In each individual case I put my heart and soul and knowledge gained through my study and experience, trying my level best to find the right remedy.

  • Pediatrics
  • Glow With Health
  • General Practice Surgery
  • Post Vaccination
  • Accident & Emergency
  • Obs and Gynae


Most childhood illnesses, such as colds, coughs, fevers, vomiting, diarrhoea, dysentery, colic, tonsillitis, bronchitis, asthma, measles, chickenpox, mumps, dentition problems, and so on, can be effectively and quickly treated with homoeopathy without the use of antibiotics or other similar medications. Homoeopathic tablets have no adverse effects on digestion or the body's resistance.

They do not create allergies or damage in any way. Sweet Homoeopathic medications are willingly taken by children. Homoeopathy is indeed child-friendly. Irritability, obstinacy, temper tantrums, fears, phobias, and destructiveness are all frequent temperamental and behavioural disorders in children that Homoeopathy can help with. Autism is also easily managed. Bedwetting, thumb sucking, and nail biting are all issues that can be rectified. Homoeopathy can also help youngsters who are cognitively and physically challenged.

Glow With Health

Every woman wishes for clear, fresh, supple, and radiant skin. When your body, mind, and spirit all in harmony, you will naturally have glowing skin. The beauty of one's skin is a reflection of one's overall health. The skin is the first organ to show signs of a problem in the body's deep interior.

Living a life of junk food, late nights, and a restless mind, for example, will result in dark bags under your eyes, pimples, or simply darkening of the skin, among other things. These signs and symptoms are nothing more than the cries of a mind-body-soul-environment system that is out of sync.

Homoeopathy will provide you with a mild and long-lasting cure, allowing you to live a healthy, happy, and radiant life. In most cases of skin diseases, homoeopathy produces amazing outcomes.

General Practice Surgery

For the treatment of acute and chronic illnesses, as well as providing preventative care and health education to people of all ages and genders.

Homeopathy focuses on the patient rather than the ailment. Disease is a mirror of an otherwise normal self's internal disarray as manifested by specific signs and symptoms. To achieve true cure, this internal disturbance must be rectified.

Approach a Homoeopath early in the course of your sickness, not as a last resort, for the best results.

Post Vaccination

In recent years, it has become clear that the number of vaccine-related side effects is far more than most government and medical organisations would have you believe. This phenomenon is now visible to every parent. Soon after vaccination, the infant develops a cold, runny nose, irritability, restlessness, and constant groaning, which the parents mistakenly believe to be a part of the child's constitution, but which is actually a vaccine side effect that is difficult to reverse without Homeopathy.

For example, if the vaccine was recent and caused side effects, it can be treated as an acute case; if it was more than a year ago, it can be treated with constitutional treatment to restore the affected vitality and function.

Accident & Emergency

In severe injury and accidents the first protocol is to go to a reputed hospital for timely emergency life saving measures to start off. But at the same time timely Homoeopathic opinion is a must.

Obs & Gynae

Every woman goes through some Gynaecological Problems at some point like Dysmenorrhea, Ovarian Cysts, Endometriosis, Uterine tumours, cysts, vaginitis, UTI. Homeopathy can deliver swift relief and permanent cure.

Pregnancy Management

Homoeopathy for healthy mother, normal childbirth and healthy baby

Homoeopathy is a wonderful science, safe and truly effective way of delivering a healthy baby. Most mothers understandably have concerns about drugs during pregnancy, but homeopathic remedies are completely safe at any stage of pregnancy and lactation. It is a a holistic therapy and fixes the deep seated susceptibilities which actually causes the deviation from healthy state.

- Pre Conception Care

- 9 Months Homoeopathic Care For Mother And Child

- Post Pregnancy Care

Homeopathic Detoxification

Homoeopathy being a holistic medicine has a wonder role to play in this relevant area and the result brought forward is not only visible but also significant for optimum well being.

There are different ways and procedure to do Homoeopathic drainage and that depends upon specific conditions or a general total detox of the system to revive and activate it to its healthy status thus bringing on instantly a feeling of freshness, well being, energy and alertness.

Being a Classical Homoeopath who strongly believes that a correct prescription of the right single constituitional Homoeopathic medicine will provide all the assistance to bring forth cure. Situations sometime call for drainage too either miasmatic or organic prior to a constitusional remedy to accelerate its action, array and depth of cure.

Brain. Nerve and Spine

Disorders that affect the brain, spinal cord, and nerves are called neurologic disorders.

Neurologic symptoms—symptoms caused by a disorder that affects part or all of the nervous system—can vary greatly because the nervous system controls so many different body functions. Symptoms can include all forms of pain, including headache and back pain. Muscles, skin sensation, the special senses (vision, taste, smell, and hearing), and other senses depend on nerves to function normally. Thus, neurologic symptoms can include muscle weakness or lack of coordination, abnormal sensations in the skin, and disturbances of vision, taste, smell, and hearing.

Neurologic disorders can interfere with sleep, making a person anxious or excited at bedtime and thus tired and sleepy during the day.

Neurologic symptoms may be minor (such as a foot that has fallen asleep) or life threatening (such as coma due to stroke). Brain Tumors and Brain Cancer, Epilepsy, Spondylosis, seizures, Neurofibromatosis, Hydrocephalus, Scoliosis, Parkinson's Disease, Multiple Sclerosis (MS).

Alzheimer's Disease can be well treated and controlled with timely constitutional Homoeopathic treatment.


If you and your partner are struggling to have a baby, you're not alone. In India, 10% to 15% of couples are infertile. Infertility is defined as not being able to get pregnant despite having frequent, unprotected sex for at least a year for most couples.

Infertility may result from an issue with either you or your partner, or a combination of factors that prevent pregnancy. Thankfully with Homoeopathy I have many success stories.

Dr Samuel Hahnemann

The world will ever be indebted to the Almighty Lord for blessing us with a genius named Dr Samuel Hahnemann.

Many think ‘experiment and understand’, but few make it a complete system of knowledge. Dr Samuel Hahnemann was one such brainiac who did not simply witnessed the sufferings of the people but worked hard day and night to educe a science which can restore the sick to health, to cure in true essence and mitigate their sufferings. He was a compassionate and kind man blessed with extraordinary reasoning and judgement.

I don't think any one of today's generation possesses such a super analytic brain along with that kind of love, care and compassion that made him restless to help suffering humanity with this life saving discovery. Also, the quest to make it an absolute science and the eye for perfection by which he perfected this Science makes Homeopathy the Medicine of Magical recovery. I strongly see after reading all his books and treaties that Homoeopathy is perfected and well concluded in his last book and is a complete system of medicine. The Homoeopathy of Dr Hahnemann needs no further research and treaties.

So my practice solely revolves around gaining knowledge and experience from the true practitioners of this wonderful science. I believe Homeopathy is simple for the simple and truly a genius in therapeutics. I have witnessed marvellous results in my 20 years of practice making me an ardent admirer.

Homoeopathy is a system of medicine founded on a definite law ‘Similia Similibus Curantur’ which means ‘like cures like’. The recognition of this law was there even before Hahnemann. Paracelus, Hippocrates spoke about it. We see it in detail in ancient Ayurvedic texts including Srimad Bhagwatam. Hahnemann rediscovered it, recognized the universality of this law and lifted it from oblivion to make it the basis of a complete system of medicine. Principles Of Homeopathy, Law of Similia, Law of Simplex, Law of Minimum, Doctrine of Drug Proving, Theory of Chronic Disease, Theory of Vital Force, Doctrine of Drug-Dynamisation.

Homoeopathy is a system of natural healing that uses no synthetic products to prepare medicines. The Individualization in Homoeopathy makes it a very unique and effective science, Facts and Myth about Homeopathy.

Myth: Homeopathy is mere placebo.

Fact: Homeopathy has been proven to be a wondrous healing science used since last 220 years in 162 countries. People who discard it are not ignorant but fearful of its efficacy and prejudiced to accept truth.

Myth: Homeopathy increases the symptoms of disease before cure.

Fact: Not always. Only in few diseases and that's too does not increase suffering as with the action of cure comes a feeling of well being and even in the case of aggravation of symptoms the patients feels good. It's a subtle feeling and can only be experienced if you have been under Homeopathic treatment. Under a expert Homeopath that aggravation may be very minute or nil but anyways it's not dangerous.

Myth: The wondrous cure in Homeopathy is because of steroids in them.

Fact: Very funny indeed, if that would have been possible then the pharmaceutical companies would not have silently sit and watch. It's absurd and stupid to even think so.

Myth: Homeopathy is very slow.

Fact: Depends upon the disease condition. In few cases like headache, flu, diarrhoea, dysentery, fever, food poisoning etc. It's fastest than any medicine known to mankind, act's in fraction of seconds. In few chronic cases it's acting super fast but obviously because a lot of work needs to be done internally before showing the result on surface so people assume that it is slow.

Does Homoeopathy have side effects?

Homoeopathy has no chemical side effects but this does not mean that the remedies will not cause problems if they are applied incorrectly. If a so-called homoeopath tells you that homoeopathic remedies are completely safe no matter how they are given, it would be best to find another practitioner. All medicinal models have their inherent dangers, but when Homoeopathy is administered correctly, it is an extremely safe and effective system. This is one of the reasons it is important to see persons that are well trained in traditional Homoeopathy. A properly trained homoeopath should undertake a complete personal interview, individualize the treatment to suit the patient, only use one single remedy at a time, only administer a small amount of the remedy, and be careful not to overmedicate the patient by repeating the dose in a mechanical manner.

Things to avoid in Homoeopathy
  • Coffee, Fine Chinese, Herb teas, Lemon and vinegar.
  • Beer, spiced choclates, liquors, punch, spiced cakes, ice cream, sauces, excessively spiced food.
  • Odorous waters and perfumes of many kinds, strong-scented flowers in the apartment, tooth paste and essences.
  • Crude medicinal vegetables for soups, dishes of herbs, roots and stalks of plants possessing medicinal qualities; asparagus with long green tips, hops, and all vegetables possessing medicinal properties, celery, onions, garlic, asfoetida, mint, menthol, camphor, old cheese, and meats that are in a state of decomposition, certainly to be kept away from patients.
  • As they should avoid all excesses in food, and in the use of sugar and salt.
  • Heated rooms, woolen clothing next the skin, a sedentary life in close apartments, sitting up long at night, reading while lying down.
  • Too many babies and too much suckling is very hard on a women. This speeds the aging process and is very stressful. We see this much in third world where young mothers have too many children too quickly.
  • Sexual energy either brings one health or destroys one's life. Moderation in all things is the best advice when it comes to sexual matters.
  • Anger, grief or vexation, a passion for play, over-exertion of mind or body, especially after meals should be avoided.
  • Dwelling in marshy districts, damp rooms, penurious living, etc. should be avoided.
Diet and Regimen

Will depend on individual cases and ailments of the patient.

The Consultation

The consultation will take around 25 to 45 minutes depending upon the case. The initial Consultation is a complete interview which includes psychological and physiological examination. I will need to know the patient's complete medical history, their mental make up, their social and domestic relationship, their overall lifestyle and habit, their sexuality, as well as their physical symptoms. The complete picture of the deranged state of health will be my only guide towards your remedy selection. The remedy will be administered to the patient with full instruction of its intake, things to avoid and proper diet and regimen. The patient is carefully monitored and the action of remedy is assessed in follow up interviews.

UK - The consultation fee is £100/ Weekdays- 10am - 2pm
Charity clinic £20/ Saturday - 2pm -7pm
Pediatric Clinic £25/ Sunday - 11am - 3pm
US - The Consultation fee is $150
India - The Consultation fee is
Complicated Challenging Cases - Rs.10,000
ICU, ANE Cases - Rs.50,000 Day
Constituitional Treatment - Rs.10,000
Detox treatment - Rs.8,000
Acute cases - Rs.5,000
Home visits - Rs.20,000 + Travel expense and stay if outstation

Simple living High Thinking

The cause of the world's malady is spiritual.

We are suffering from having sold our souls to the pursuit of an objective which is both spiritually wrong and practically unobtainable. We have to reconsider our objective and change it. And until we do this, we shall not have peace, either amongst ourselves or within each of us.

Arnold Toynbee London Observer 25 October 1972

A man in pursuit of money makes immense wealth but what for - to live a peaceful, luxurious, healthy, secured life. Alas but the old saying money can not buy you happiness still holds strong as in that pursuit of earning money he loses his sleep, the anxiety and stress of different situations of the day take away his hunger, slowly the health is fragile, the body becomes the seat of numerous disease, when health and life is at stake what security he earned and for what. The luxury he built up could not even be enjoyed by him because of the busy schedule.

Happiness, peace and satisfaction can only be obtained by knowing the self and knowing the master of ourselves.

"Athato Brahma Jigyasa"

In these times which self proclaims to be the most advanced times ripe with scientific, technological, and sophisticated means of material existence also harbours the maximum number of psychological illnesses, maximum number of blood wars, maximum lies propagated and maximum truth buried deliberately to create a society dawned with fear, scarcity, weakness and troubled mind which is then easy to be controlled by the high posted evil heads of the society.

Any true progress and true peace can only be achieved by reviving the lost cord between ourselves and our creator who is the all powerful supreme personality of godhead Sri Bhagwan who is our progenitor, maintainer and sustainer.

When we know our true self, our simple needs and our heart becomes blissful in our natural spiritual surrounding then life spontaneously will be less complicated and peaceful.

The four pillars of sinless society
  • Compassion - Stop killing. Be kind. Be pure Vegetarian. Killing involves alot of pain inflicted to that living being. All that pain, anger, hate, revenge and trauma is encapsulated in that meat and when you eat that it makes you a person of those emotions. It's very sinful and binds you to endless suffering. Human beings are not meant to eat meat. We are naturally herbivorous. The meat industry is one of the biggest conspiracy of modern civilization to break the very backbone of healthy human civilization. The non veg food contributes to 80% disease in your body and so all the major health organization's have now started promoting vegetarianism.
  • Cleanliness - Is destroyed by illicit relationships.
  • Austerity - is destroyed by indulging in Intoxication. Tea, Coffee, cigarette have detrimental effect on our consciousness what to speak of serious intoxicants like alcohol and drugs.
  • Truthfulness - Is destroyed by greed or gambling.

So to build a society which is peaceful, content and happy then its mandatory that these 4 pillars should be given outmost importance.

Astro Veda

Dr Priyanka Yaduvanshi is one of the very few genuine astrologer’s of this day and age. To the astonishment of the readers she was born with it and this knowledge comes from her past life as she never studied the subject in this life. As a small kid she was well versed in reading lines of the palm, sole and forehead and also shocked many with her uncanny prediction of events to happen in future. Which gained her immense popularity among friends and family. Slowly she gained a lot of fame by her accuracy in the subject matter. She can predict a person by his/her face and other attributes so people started taking her advice in bussiness partnership's and alliance to know if the person was good enough to invest faith and trust.

She is certainly god gifted and what makes her popular is her genuinity, sincerity and honesty rather than making it means of fooling or duping people without proper knowledge of Astrology.

Dr Priyanka was born with Clairvoyance and clairsentience. She is a trusted authority to share your grief, pain, hurt which you are holding on to. Release it, reveal it and get free of the baggage you are carrying so that you can positively move forward in life. She is a face reader, aura reader, personality decoder, healer, guide and soul coach.

She Provides the following services

1) Full Horoscope - This is an exhaustive report that covers every important area of life: Your personality, your inner works, your social interaction, finance, property, health, romance, family, spouse, children and lots more. £110 - ₹11000

2) Compatibility Chart - In this reading she will analyze the compatibility between two people. A Compatibility Reading is used to enhance one’s awareness of underlying potential, conflicts or power struggles, as well as areas of harmony and mutual agreement or complimentary interests.

It is used to evaluate romantic relationships, relationships in the workplace, employees, co-workers, supervisors etc and is also used in considering family members (spouse, children, siblings, extended family), as well as friendships of varying nature. £60 - ₹6000

3) Palm Reading - The lines on your palms and feet are ECG of your life. It reveals everything about you, your past, present and future. £20 - ₹2000 for 20 minutes

4) Yearly Predictions - Whole year explained month wise to give you an idea to see your strength and weaknesses, to see your high and low times and so plan new ventures, projects accordingly. £10 - ₹ 1000

5) Healing Sessions/ Counselling - Reveal your inner fears, grief, hurt, secret and release yourself from it and start a new beautiful positive life. £30 - Rs 3000